Thursday, February 19, 2009


what. an. experience.

it had everything: fun, tension, conflicts, fashion, arguments, difference of opinions, egos, laughter fits, financial crunches, messy hands, frantic phone calls, gifts, chocolates, flowers, colours...everything.

in one sentence, i would say that it was one of the BEST times of my life. not just the hostel night itself, but the whole run up to it: the rehearsals, the shopping for prizes, breaking our heads over budgeting all the prizes, the auto rides, the random jokes which only a select few would understand and find funny, the goof ups, the confusions.

There was the shopping in a myriad of places; ARCHIES (whether its the priyas one or the one in satya niketan, both feel like home now), NESTLE (nothing short of a trip to chocolate heaven- where/when else in my life would i have been given 4000 bucks and told to shop for chocolates?! even if they werent for me!), the local phool wala (i have never argued over gende ke phool and rose petals in my life!). i did rangoli, picked up bricks, helped with the backdrop, ran around all over the place, watched the same dances and heard the same songs over and over again.

I was honoured multiple times (!)- i signed certificates, lit the lamp, gave out presents to chief guests...something which i had never ever done in my life. and if i ever do it again, it sure cant be as much as fun as it has been now.

last year, i won a prize for being the best dancer. it was a pleasant surprise, coz i hadnt danced with the intention of winning anything. this year, there were no such surprises, it was all about backstage work, the work that no one really sees. but there was a strange kind of fulfillment this year, this hostel night, was MY hostel night. mridang 08 was fun for the dances, the songs and the people...mridang 09 was fun for the sense of ownership i had over it. from start to finish, i was there throughout.

as creyzeee would say, "it was the besht!"

(one of the reasons why hostel nite was special- THIS is the collage which me and two of my dearies made and won FIRST prize, out of 13 teams...many of these teams actively dislike us for our nonsensical behaviour. and this victory, was a :P for them!)


creyzeee said...

is that d reason 4 d connect with d song "genda phool"?? hehe

i loooooove fests/events...n i miss them so!!

ooooh n there's srk in ur collage! it Had 2 win! :P to all the disbelievers! ;)

Runjoo said...

disbelievers refers to the category of people who dislike us or those who dont believe in the magic of SRK??? or both???

creyzeee said...

i was referring 2 d latter...but shud b 2 both actually! hehe